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How to Be Memorable and Get Recognised with Cute Business Name +

03 May 2024
So you want a cute business name that people instantly LOVE and always remember. Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, this task is far easier said than done. Luckily help is at hand. In this guide, we explain how to create a cute brand name that perfectly reflects your business. Cute Business Names are a great idea

Business names - remember, memory and pronunciation matter

Cute business names are all well and good – they can be as ‘out there’ as you like, but what’s the point if no one remembers them? Worse still, what if nobody can pronounce them? While there are some difficult to pronounce cute brand names that have struck lucky (like Guerlain, Gucci and Porsche), many have failed to set the world alight, and their difficult to pronounce names didn’t help. There’s also a long line up of company names that probably took a long time to think up, only for the whole world to pronounce them in a way the original business owners didn’t intend (such as Nutella – which should really be pronounced new-tell-uh; Ikea, that should be Ih-key-yah and  Moschino, which should be moss-key-no).

Follow these guidelines on pronounceable AND cute company names…

Make it catchy – use memory aids

Linking your business name to a memorable image can help your target market recall it quickly – visually remembering your business (this is where Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Apple get it right).

Opt for a two-syllable, one-word cute brand name

In our guide: Why your Brand Needs a Cool Company Name we explore how long a brand name should be, and how many syllables are optimal for consumer recollection. To summarise – two-syllable, one-word brand names are the most popular (and there’s plenty of reason to believe that they’re also the most memorable too). If you need a little inspiration for your short and snappy, cute and catchy business name, head to our 4 letter brand names.

Test, test and test again

Whatever the cute company name that you settle on, don’t commit to it until you’ve tested a minimum of five ideas on friends, family, and (ideally) your target market.

Reasons for choosing a Cute Name for Your Business:

  1. Picking cute business names isolates your business from a huge number of different organizations over the web.
  2. Need to be imaginative as it's not easy to find the best name which also suitable for the business and yet easy to remember
  3. Your specific name is perfect and with respect to what your business is about.
  4. Another critical thing to be considered in your mind when you are picking a business name is keeping it short and clear.
  5. Make a point to make a shorter name that will be less demanding for individuals to recall and furthermore they can enter it into their software program.
  6. When you select a name for your business, it is something speaks to your organization. It gives a clear idea to the people.

How to conjuror up cute girly business names

Cute girly business names sound softer when pronounced, and they steer clear of masculine imagery – such as using strong, threatening animals (think Puma, Le Coq Sportif, and Greyhound). Many also work into the name feminine colors, emotions, and adjectives – such as pink, lilac, love, adore, glitzy, and beautiful. Cute business name pro tip: Feminine words should be used sparingly in your brand name. Combing multiple fluffy girly words can lead to a name that’s more sickly sweet, than cute and cool.

A special note on cute girly business names for personal brands

If YOU are your business – selling services for example - consider creating a personal brand name. More than other forms of business names, personal brands are built on the business owner’s reputation – it should convey your identity, personality, and values.

Cute brand names – A golden rule that many overlook

When brainstorming cute business names, try not to choose one that ties you down to a single product. The making of any good business often relies on a multitude of revenue streams, which will prove tougher to create if your name is associated with a single, standalone product. After all, could you imagine a world in which Apple was called ‘Smart smartphones’ or Amazon is known as ‘The Online Book place’? Us neither, and with good reason too.

Still, stuck? Here are some lightning-fast cute business name ideas

Feeling as though your cute business name is hard to come by? Here are our seven top tips for a quick-fire naming session…
  1. Take to Google images and type in the name of your product or service – what do you see? More importantly, what do these images make you feel?
  2. Move on to Pinterest, and repeat step one
  3. Ask friends, family and Facebook business groups for their ideas
  4. Create a list of words that conjure up memories or emotions – consider what you want your customers to feel when they buy from you, or remember about their experience
  5. Undertake some market research – look at your competitors, what are their brand names? What do you like and dislike about them?
  6. Think about what your brand values are – examples include quality, authenticity, quirkiness, and championing the individual
  7. All else failed? Don’t panic – try a cute business names generator (but read on first)

Use a cute shop name generator

Cute shop name generators, such as the ones that you’ll find on this website, can wipe out much of the legwork in manually summoning up a list of potential names. To use our cute shop name generator, you can search for a brand name in the search box – using keywords (such as the name of your product or service); or you can skip straight to a list of premade brands, all sorted by categories, such as health brand names or arts & design brand names. Our cute shop name generator doesn’t just provide business name ideas, it also includes cute website names in the form of a domain and a ‘done-for-you’ logo. Simply search, select your cute business name, and get your business set up faster than handling these steps yourself.

The final word – Avoid these cute business name mistakes

Before we go, we want to leave you with some things that you should absolutely avoid if you want your business name to be memorable and cute. Break these rules at your peril!
  1. Avoid non-alphabetic characters – such as %”& - these can’t appear in your domain and could lead to plenty of online confusion for those looking for your business
  2. Avoid initials – they’re cold and meaningless (e.g. your target market won’t care, at all, about them)
  3. Avoid the more than 200 ‘sensitive words’ that you’re probably not legally allowed to use (read more about this here: Incorporation and names)
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