Why you Need a Premium Brand Name
03 May 2024
Table of Contents
1. What makes a great brand name? 2. Make the best first impression with a Fancy Company Name 3. Reflect your brand DNA 4. Brainstorming brand names 5. The refinement process 6. Narrowing down your choices - Luxury Brand Names are Few and Far 7. Experiment with fonts and colors 8. Do you need a second opinion on the premium name you've chosen? Premium Brand names are applied to specific products and services sold by manufacturers. It is important to make a distinction between creative company names and business names, as the latter normally refers to products sold by the former. To illustrate this, Apple can be regarded as a creative company name, whilst the iPhone is a business name for one of its products. One of the biggest challenges for companies wishing to make their products and services seem desirable and distinctive enough to set them apart from the competition is to choose a suitable brand name.
It’s said that branding has existed in one form or another for thousands of years.Read on to find out more about how to come up with a premium business name.

What makes a great brand name?
Brand names have to be unique enough to win the attention of customers. They don’t always need to tell customers anything about the products but do need to be memorable enough to stick in their minds.Some people regard coming up with the perfect brand name as even more difficult than naming a child.It’s important that business name travel well and that they do not cause offense, though some companies do use different branding in specific territories. For instance, Walker’s crisps are known as Lay’s outside of the UK.

Make the best first impression with a Fancy Company Name
Coming up with the right brand name can be tough, so don’t worry if nothing seems to leap out at you immediately. High end brands need to not only be memorable but look and feel right for your company or the product or service that you are offering. A company without a premium name doesn't even exist;
It’s often said that brand names are just as important as the products and services companies provide.One of the reasons for this is that a premium domain name is generally the first thing people encounter when they are introduced to a business for the first time. The domain name needs to make the best first impression possible and win over potential customers immediately.
Reflect your brand DNA
Choosing the first name that springs to mind regardless of whether it seems suitable for your business is rarely a good move, no matter how catchy the name it is. It may be easier to conjure up a name for your brand once you have thought deeply about your vision, mission, and values. These are all integral parts of your brand DNA. Your vision is all about your future plans, whilst the mission refers to the steps you need to take to bring your vision to life.
Your values are your moral priorities at the heart of what you do.
Brainstorming brand names
The best and more prestigious domain names tend to be short, simple, easy to pronounce, intelligent, memorable and evocative.
The refinement process
The next stage is all about refinement. Start crossing out words that you don’t think are quite right for your brand and keep going until you have reduced the list down to approximately 20 words.
Narrowing down your choices - Luxury Brand Names are Few and Far
Take the remaining words and add them to a new list, but don’t delete or dispose of the previous list. Continue editing these down until you only have a handful of potential business names remaining.It’s a good idea to consider how your brand name will look and sound in the context.If you do suspect you have eliminated something suitable later, you can always refer to the list you made previously.

Experiment with fonts and colors
You can also play around with different fonts and colors to see which ones will suit your remaining potential brand names. It is important to ensure your name only has positive connotations and associations, and that your name carries some sort of meaning, no matter how abstract it is.
Make sure the name isn’t already being used by someone else in your industry.Also, ensure your social media handles and web domain aren’t currently in use too.
Do you need a second opinion on the premium name you've chosen?
Hopefully, by this stage, you’ll be able to make your final choice or will at least be much closer to this point. If you have followed each stage of the process, each of the remaining luxury names on your list will be incredibly viable contenders. It may take time to get used to your brand name, but you may eventually find it hard to believe you ever even considered anything else.