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Premium Brand Name Ideas Generator

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Top Picks for Premium Business Name Generator Company Names

Premium Business Name Generator

Premium Business Name Generator

Table of Contents

1. What is a Domain Name? 2. Why Domain Names Are Important? 3. Premium Domain Names? .. What’s That About? 4. 3 Golden Rules on How To Detect Whether a Domain is Premium? 5. Why Are Premium Domain Names Worth Your Investment? 6. Don’t rush headfirst into buying a domain on impulse 7. Don’t overlook the importance of researching the seller and the premium domain 8. The advantages of a premium domain name 9. The next step: where to find premium domains for sale 10. Conclusion: Brandnic is Your Ally to Get the Best Premium Domain Names   With the advent of technology and the rapid growth of the internet in this digitally evolving space, it has become quite daunting for businesses to survive in the global marketplace.
Everyone is thriving hard to establish their online presence via different mediums.
Irrespective of the fact that digital transformations have provided businesses with infinite means of harvesting a credible online presence, websites are still the most preferred and effective medium for building brand image. The website is the reflection of your brand; it works as the doorway towards your brand through which your customers can connect with your business. Hence, it is important to create websites that best serve the brand purposes. Among the development and designing processes, there is one most crucial step that every business must prioritize, i.e., finding the domain name.

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is the virtual address of your website that your visitors will need to access the website. It is generally a combination of alphabets and numbers, which is followed by a domain extension such as .com, .net. org, .edu, and more. What is a Domain Name What exactly is a domain name?[/caption] Unlike IP addresses that are a series of numbers, domain names are made to make it easier for visitors to memorize it and become familiar with the brand.
Domain names are basically the IP address of the website that comes in an easily comprehensible format.
A domain name comprises a subdomain that is selected by the site owner and a top-level domain (TLD) assigned by the domain extension.

Why Domain Names Are Important?

You do agree that websites help in creating a unique identity in the market. But, have you thought what makes them familiar and easily recognizable among the target audience? It is the unique domain name that makes your website distinctive from others.
There can be only one domain name for a website.
When you choose a domain name, you would need to check it’s availability before getting it registered. Two websites can never have a similar domain name. In case, there is duplicity in the domain name, your suggestion will be rejected. There are several domain name registrars in the market that help their clients to suggest domain names for their brand and get the best one registered without any trouble. Why Domain Names Are Important Checking the availability of a domain name[/caption] Brandnic is one such credible name in the industry that is known for its exclusive domain name suggestion and registry services. At Brandic, you can get a wide range of domain name suggestions to pick the best brand ready domain for your business.

Premium Domain Names? .. What’s That About?

Some of the features you will find on a premium domain names are:
  • They are short and snappy
  • They are in-line with the business name
  • They are easy to spell and easy to pronounce
Searching for the ideal domain name can be a strenuous process if you have not got the right tool. There might be instances during your search when you locate a name only to know that it has been already taken, or the available domain name is beyond your budget.
That’s when you must start thinking about premium domain names.
As the name suggests, premium domain names are elite and quality domain names that might be quite expensive than you thought but will serve the purpose of a unique identity for your brand like nothing else.Premium Domain Names- What’s That About Understanding the premium domain name value.[/caption] Premium domain names are the domains that are already acquired and owned by an individual or registry. The cost of acquiring these domains might be quite higher than purchasing the standard domain name. At a fancy price, the premium domain name will provide you fancy features. A domain is considered premium when you start understanding that it is more valuable than the average domain.
From the length, keywords, and brand potentials, there are plenty of factors that make a domain name premium.
To become a premium domain name owner, you would need to browse through the available premium domain names and get it registered with the help of the registrar. 

3 Golden Rules on How To Detect Whether a Domain is Premium?

Not every domain name will let you know whether it is premium or not. The biggest catch for determining the premium status of a domain name is its price. If you suddenly come up with a name that has a drastically higher price than the other suggestions, then you are probably looking at a premium domain name. There are several other factors that determine whether the domain name is premium or not, such as the use of SEO worthy keywords, length of the name, and the brand image it enhances for the business. Majorly, these are three key factors that affect the value of a domain name and make it premium:- 3 Golden Rules on How To Detect Whether a Domain is Premium Finding a premium domain name worth.[/caption]

1. Length

It is quite evident that shorter domain names are easy to memorize, register and make familiar among the target audience. Premium domain names are generally shorter in length in order to provide the brand with the required edge in the market and among the audience.

2. Brandability

When it comes to making your domain name unique and distinctive from others, you need to use some catchy words that can easily grab the intellects of your visitors. A premium domain name does everything to enhance brand-ability by rightly communicating the niche of your brand to the audience.

3. Keywords

There’s no doubt in asserting that domain name can increase the SEO worth of the business. Including catchy keywords in the domain name will make it favorable in the SEO results. Premium domain names are equipped with keywords that can help you enhance your search rankings.

Why Are Premium Domain Names Worth Your Investment?

A growing number of businesses are investing in premium domain names already, and they are enjoying their multiple benefits. There are many global businesses that have converted their standard domain names into premium just to get the required edge in the market. There is more than one reason to acquire a premium domain name. Why Are Premium Domain Names Worth Your Investment Determining the value of a real premium domain name[/caption] A few of the incredible reasons are listed below:-

Sense of Credibility

It’s all about cultivating a credible position in the market. Without a premium domain name, your business will not be able to get the required credibility among the target audience. Premium domain names are elite and fulfill all the parameters of a credible domain name.


A domain name is the virtual address of your business, making it easy to comprehend and remember, and will pave the way for customers to reach out to your brand more easily. Choosing a hard to remember domain will make you lose some reliable customers. Premium domain names ensure that you don’t have to compromise on anything.

Type-In Traffic

Domain names also play a critical role in driving traffic to the website. A recent Google study stated that every half second of load time dropped the traffic by 20%. But what if your customers cannot find you at all? That’s where premium domain names come at handy. These domain names will help you drive massive traffic to your website. Don’t spend a fortune to find an effective name; just trust the premium domain name and see what wonders it does.

Incredible ROI

Have you ever thought a domain name will be linked to ROI? Yes, it is. Premium domain names are just like any other investment it will bring ROI. The multiple perks of premium domain names make it an obvious choice to relish the returns on investments in the form of better traffic, strong customer relations, and impeccable brand identity.

Uniqueness At Its Best

Domain names are all about being unique and distinctive. They must create an identity that is exclusively yours. Your customers must be able to recognize your brand just by its domain name. Throughout the world, a growing number of businesses are investing in premium domain names as they offer niche-specific and unique names for their brand. Don’t think twice before investing in a premium domain name today.

Grab The Ones Who Skip Google

Though Google provides internet users with all the relevant content addressing to their query, there are certain users who love to skip the search engines and enter domain names directly. These visitors generally think that certain domain names will get them the required information. Premium domain names ensure that they get all those visitors who have a tendency of skipping search engines.

Investment You Won’t Regret About

When you decided to start a business, there are several internal and external costs that have to be incurred in order to keep everything functioning. Premium domain name is one of the many investments that will give you remarkable results in the future. This is one of those investments that will never make you regret in the future but will make you feel proud of taking the decision. Now that you have realized the benefits of acquiring a premium domain name and its prominence in the market, it is important to highlight some important topics. Every bit as important as getting the right domain is avoiding the few fatal mistakes that can shoot down your chances of bagging yourself a premium domain. Here’s what you SHOULDN’T do once you’ve set your sights on a premium domain. 

Don’t rush headfirst into buying a domain on impulse

You’re excited about your business idea - by the way, check how to keep it original. You don’t really want to waste time following advice from ‘how to buy premium domains’ guides. We completely understand.
But remember – buying a domain is a big decision for your business. It should be considered an investment.
Ultimately it pays to take your time. Don’t simply buy a premium domain on the spur of the moment. Research your options thoroughly and create a list of possibilities.

Don’t overlook the importance of researching the seller and the premium domain

Researching a premium domain seller – who is the seller – are they a serial premium domain seller? Does the person have social profiles that you can research?

Researching a premium domain

Important questions to consider:
  1. Does the premium domain have any undesirable backlinks associated? Use a tool such as Open Site Explorer or Majestic SEO to find out.
  2. Has it been penalized by Google? Always ask for a screenshot of the domain’s Webmaster backend before considering a sale (any penalties will be shown under the Manual Actions > Search Traffic tab).
  3. Does the domain name include a trademarked name? Head over to the USPTO to double-check that you won’t invest in an unusable domain name.
  4. What does Google say? Search for the premium domain name in quotes “– e.g. “glitzy shoes” – are any concerning listings returned? (i.e., Glitzy Shoes Rip Off Reports)

Don’t try to buy premium domain names through trickery

Some domain buyers try to trick their sellers into selling at a lower price. Using two (or more) different profiles, they’ll send in two under-market value offers. The aim is to mislead the seller into believing that they’ve overvalued their premium domain. But the last laugh is usually on the seller as, more often than not, it leads to the seller thinking that there’s plenty of interest (so they then go on to hike the price even further!).

Don’t ask a domain owner whether you can buy their premium domain name

Think of this as a strategic negotiation – and what should you NEVER do when negotiating? That’s right – reveal your position. By contacting a domain owner of your own accord, you tell them who you are, and they gain a full understanding of how much you may have to spend. They may also assess your competitors and create a bidding war between you and them (the worst possible situation you can find yourself in when buying a premium domain).

Don’t think you can get away with masking your identity

Those that offer premium domain names for sale are usually seasoned negotiators. They’re not easily fooled by potential buyers who attempt to hide their identity through a new email and a fake name (so don’t even try it!).

Don’t use either the domain landing page or a domain registrar to submit an offer

First, you may give away your identity (something that you don’t want to do for reasons explained in tip four). The second (and far more serious) is the fact that you may unwittingly be obliging yourself to pay a fee to the registrar that should you go through with the sale.

Don’t get ahead of yourself by filing a trademark (you could give the game away)

Don’t think that you’re being super diligent by registering your trademark before you’ve purchased your premium domain. All trademarks are listed on websites that are freely searchable. Domain hijackers will closely watch these websites, and quickly register a range of associated domains before the trademark owner has had a chance to. You’ll then be effectively held to ransom, while they place your premium domains for sale.

Don’t imagine your online future with your targeted premium domain before the deal is signed and sealed

We know how it is – you’ve found the PERFECT domain and the website looks like it was abandoned long ago. This is the premium domain for you, isn’t it? Don’t do it. Always keep your options open with a list of possible domains, rather than setting your heart on only one. That way you can remain objective and won’t fall into the trap of either paying over the odds, or being so short-sighted you miss other great potential premium domains.

Don’t drive up traffic to the premium domain by visiting it over and over again

With every trip you take, you should hear an ominous ‘ka-ching’ in the background, as you’ll be adding to the traffic of the website (and therefore also adding to the asking price). Premium domains typically already attract a good amount of traffic (either that or they are short, highly competitive words). If you want to take a look at some high-level premium domain sold in the past, let’s check out: some of the expensive domains sold in the past Worse still, they run the risk of waving a big red flag that your repeat visits are due to you considering buying the domain. All they need to do is analyze the IP addresses that have been visiting the web page and bingo! They instantly know exactly who’s interested in buying their premium domain.

Don’t register ANY similar top-level domains (TLDs) before planning to buy a premium domain

Registering similar TLDs signal to the domain owner that you’ll soon be making an offer. After all, what other reason could there be for you buying the .co, .ltd and .uk TLD's. Already made this mistake? You can attempt to limit the repercussions, by ensuring that your domains are obscured with private Whois information. 

Don’t be impatient

It’s difficult, we know. You want to get up and running. You may even have a website on a test site ready to go live. But being impatient is the worst mistake you can make when it comes to buying a premium domain.

Don’t eagerly pay up – ensure that you’re protected

Domains are officially classified as digital goods, so it can be difficult (if not impossible) to seek a refund if things go awry. If you aren’t using a broker or another middle man, you need to ensure that you’re using a bona fide service (i.e. brandnic's escrow). You’ll also need a legal document in a place known as a purchase agreement. This will detail the legalities of the deal and list the terms of the sale.

The advantages of a premium domain name

When you buy a premium domain, you can look forward to a raft of advantages that are each as influential as the last for online success. Let’s dig into these now…

SEO advantages

While it’s true to say that Exact Match Domains (where the domain matches what a Google searcher types exactly) no longer pushes a website up the search results, there is still value in buying a premium domain. Why? Because a premium domain establishes trust and authority with those you may outreach to in order to ask for links back.

Memorable and quick to type

You’ll likely use your domain name in many places outside of the online world – such as on your business’ printed marketing materials. When trying to drive ‘real-world’ visitors to your website, you could use a tool such as a QR code. Within a snap of a smartphone camera, a QR code can drive your prospect to an online destination of your choice. But while QR codes are undoubtedly a helpful option to provide, not all of your website visitors will want to fiddle around with their smartphone (or they may not have their phone to hand – such as in certain business environments). In this instance, a short, memorable domain name is critical (especially as many users are known to ‘guess’ a domain after seeing a business name).
A short domain name also has the advantage of being suitable even on marketing materials where space is limited – such as on postcard flyers and business cards.

Word-of-mouth marketing-friendly

They say that word of mouth marketing is the most powerful of all (and with good reason – after all, 88% of consumers place the highest level of trust in recommendations from people they know – check the source). But how can you possibly capitalize upon people talking about your business to other people if your domain name isn’t an exact .com version of your business name?

Trust and authority

Let us ask you this – which domain would you instantly trust… OR By the way, you can buy the second one at Brandnic. Between the two, the second domain would be considered a premium domain. It’s shorter, includes the business name and counts as a Top-Level Domain (e.g. it’s a Clearly this would be the preferable domain in terms of conveying trust and online authority. This doesn’t just apply to where your domain name appears online, either. It can also convey a professional image of your printed marketing materials.

Brand recognition

A premium domain that matches your business name exactly will reinforce your brand image. Let’s look at another example. There’s a business in the FinTech sector that specializes in payment authentication technology. They’re choosing a brand and domain name. Which of the following domains would provide the most effective brand reinforcement? OR The second domain will strengthen the company’s brand image and will also be far easier to remember and return to in the future.

The next step: where to find premium domains for sale

Now that we’ve explained the many benefits of a premium domain name, the natural next step is to understand where to order premium domains and the pros and cons of each.Where to find premium domains for sale Understanding - where to get a premium domain name?[/caption]
  1. A domain registrar – while you may hit lucky and uncover a premium domain name gem, domain registrars almost always demand extensive trial and error searching for a domain that fits with your business. You’ll also need to have decided your business name beforehand.
  2. A premium domain name hub – Brandnic falls into this category, however, unlike other domain marketplaces, we serve as a quick-find directory of ready-to-go business names that come complete with a logo and domain name.
  3. A brand selling site – The pro here is that buying your domain from your web host saves you a little time. However there are numerous downsides to holding both your domain and your website with the same company – we go into detail about what these are in our in-depth guide on how to choose a brand name (and the mistakes to avoid!).

Conclusion: Brandnic is Your Ally to Get the Best Premium Domain Names

Framing credible online credibility and making your customers connect with your brand easily, a domain name is an important element for brand development. Brandnic is Your Ally to Get the Best Premium Domain Names Getting your hands on a premium domain name[/caption] You must never compromise with the domain name. Don’t ever think that investing in domain names will never get you to good results. Going premium with your domain name is the smartest decision you can take today. As you have been already acquainted with the perks of acquiring a premium domain name for your website, it is important to find the reliable registrar who can serve all the purposes. Brandnic can assist you in finding the best premium name for your business. With an exclusive catalog of available premium domain names, you will never get out of ideas to get the perfect name. At Brandnic, we aren’t just a marketplace for premium domain names for sale. Our domains allow you to discover a catchy brand name and polished logo for your industry – placing you strides ahead of the competition once you find a premium domain name.

World's #1 Premium Business Name Generator Name Generator and Platform

We at Brandnic understand the importance of a premium brand name, as it plays an important role in the success of your business venture. As a leading crowdsourced naming platform and business name generator in the field, we unite a diverse community of super minds who grasp the significance of branding and design. Our AI powered business name generator can help you to succeed in finding a unique brand name for your business.

Discover Brandnic's AI Premium Business Name Generator Name Generator For Tailored Suggestions

AI-powered name generation

Brandnic elevates the naming process with advanced AI, crafting captivating and bespoke names tailored for businesses. No longer settle for uninspired choices; with Brandnic, every suggested name resonates with your business ethos, bidding farewell to generic options.

Brandnic offers fantastic business name suggestions and verifies the availability of corresponding social media handles. With Brandnic, managing your online presence is a breeze as it harmonizes your brand across various platforms for optimal impact.

Brandnic provides a feature where each domain name purchase includes a complimentary logo. Now, you can unleash your creativity affordably and generate top-notch business names.

Top Reviews

Brandnic keeps on supporting enthusiastic business owners and entrepreneurs by offering both matched and unmatched successful business names.
Following are some of our clients who found their domain names using our assistance and are satisfied with Brandnic services and also generous enough to share their experience with us:
I was looking for the online domain name for the first time. It was a great experience with Brandnic, as I got the super business name for my company. It made the whole process simple and efficient. I got the domain, the business name and the logo in the first time. It took me around 15 minutes to get the name of my dream. The support was very helpful in this regard. I recommend this service to all the business owners who are looking for their domain name. Thank you so much.
Joshua T.
Very quick!
Very professional throughout, job well done!!!!
Bahram Shadabi
Branding is the most essential factor for me as I observed that the companies I was working with invested more time in other things than the most important factor of branding. I was facing many problems in deciding the right business name for the services I wanted to offer to my client. One day I was surfing the Internet and found, as they offered multiple name options for my business name. The support team is fantastic and helped me in finalizing my domain name and the logo. Overall, I had a good experience with the Brandnic people to get the best domain name for my business
Timothy James
Thank you
I purchased and got the name, nice and clean checkout, they responded fast and sent me the details, I am happy with it.
Sunghwan Kim
Fast Transfer
I was referred by my office colleague who planned to start his own business as we both work in a IT company and we were thinking to start a company but not get a chance to think of a perfect name… Later we found Brandnic and we both searched and found the name of our choices, we ordered and Brandnic staff helped us to get the whole transfer process done and we got the possession of a domain name in our control, they also sent us the Adobe source file for the logo which we loved and now we refer these people to our other colleagues too. I wish they have a system where we can make money on the referral as we know many people who wanted to start or wanted to change the current business name and choose a nice one for their existing business.
Muhammad Suleiman
Got the name of my life.. love you guys!!
Lisa Gibbons
I found this website thru google and at first I was unsure what to do as I loved many names and wanted to re-brand my Solar panel business in Chicago so I found few names and asked my wife to help me and we found a perfect name and ordered from brandnic, they helped us to transfer the name to us and we got immediately the logo for the business, I must say that these people there are awesome!! Perfecto!!!
Anthony Charles
We decided to rebrand our services and for this we changed our value proposition as well as the services. Therefore we also wanted to change our domain name. After working with the experienced personals, we worked on the values, the theme and the vibe wanted for our company, but the work on the domain name is still pending. We consulted with the support of Brandnic with the clear vision, mission, and the offering. After that, they supported us in finding the best domain name for the company as well as the Logo. Thank you so much Brandnic.
Sarah Clarks
I was confused which name to choose which is easy to be conveyed over the phone and over the counter and I found Brandnic and it became very easy for me .. in fact got many choices and I asked my husband the name and we both finalized the name together on
Mary John
Best Customer Support
Thru agent we made this deal done and the price was reduced and it all went smoothly and quite fast
Andrea Katz
Branding people did a beautiful job on our domain branding. I regularly get compliments on the name, and the credit's all theirs, .. as all I did was supply a basic business wireframe, and they suggested me some of the domains and then helped me to get it acquire, They also did a good job of getting me a customised logo as a gift on my domain purchase. I look forward as our business evolves.
Karen J.
Happy Ending :-)
Ordered my domain - got it fast, happy ending :)
Robert Peel
Received my name domain name from them, worked well took 2 days to get into my network solutions account, they have sent me the video for my domain name too, which is cool, quite recommended.
Toni O'Neill
One of the best domain name company I worked with. they are highly skilled and professional. I look forward to buying more names with them in the future.
Rabbi Jeffrey
A visionary company, Jelena helped guide us to our brand presence. Her input was well-constructed, helpful, and informative. Jelena explained and we got the domain name transferred to our account in 8 hours.
Sebastian Braun
Best Brand Name Company
Excellent company to work with, will buy again when needing more domains for upcoming venture.
Muhammad Nazar
Top of the line company!
These people rock so no need to waste time anywhere, get your domain name along with a logo and get flying, we started a design studio in New York and we were confused what kind of brand name we should start with and planned to start with a .US domain name and brandnic convinced to go with a .com name which makes more sense and we are deeply thankful to them.
Lewis Laskin

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Premium Business name generator work?

In the search bar, briefly explain what you need a name for. Type a short phrase including keywords, ideas, your industry, or a brief explanation. Our free Premium Business name generator will generate hundreds of creative Premium Business name ideas. You'll also get matching Premium domain name suggestions, and the current availability of each of these domain names.



What makes a good Premium Business name?

A compelling, memorable, and industry-specific brand name is invaluable for any Premium business. Firstly, it establishes a robust presence in the market, ensuring heightened visibility and recognition among potential clientele. Secondly, a carefully crafted brand name has the power to evoke positive emotions and associations, fostering trust and loyalty among consumers. Lastly, an industry-specific brand name effectively communicates expertise and specialization, distinguishing the business from competitors and attracting customers seeking genuine and premium Premium products.


How do I come up with a unique Premium Company name?

Selecting a business name within the Premiumindustry demands thoughtful deliberation to distinguish oneself from competitors. Crafting a distinctive brand name involves capturing the essence of your Premium's, whether it's their flavor, quality, or the unique experience they offer. Incorporating techniques like alliteration, rhymes, or clever wordplay can enhance the memorability of your brand name. For a comprehensive array of creative and distinctive brand name suggestions tailored specifically to your business, we recommend utilizing our Premium business name generator tool.


What are the benefits of having a great Premium Company name?

An impactful Premium Business name for a company within this industry brings forth manifold advantages. Firstly, it commands attention by standing out amidst a saturated market, compelling potential customers to take notice. Secondly, it resonates with your target audience by effectively communicating the essence and unique value proposition of your brand, fostering a sense of familiarity and trust. Thirdly, it ignites conversation and encourages sharing, as a memorable name is more likely to be discussed and recommended. Moreover, a potent name enhances brand recall and maintains top-of-mind awareness, ensuring your brand is the first choice when customers require a Premium. Lastly, it serves as a magnet for talent, positioning your company as innovative and dynamic, thus appealing to prospective employees seeking association with a robust brand. Ultimately, an influential Premium Business name not only sets your brand apart but also facilitates expansion, recognition, and reputation enhancement within the industry.


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