How to Choose Attractive Unique Business Names +
03 May 2024
You’ve decided to set up a business. You NEED a name that sticks in the mind of your target market. Trouble is, it seems that all the catchy unique brand names are already taken. Choosing an attractive AND unique business name needn’t require the expensive skills of a branding agency. All you need is a little creativity, plenty of research and this five-step strategy.

The many roles a unique business name can play
Before we dig into the six steps for coming up with your unique business name ideas, let’s first understand why, exactly, it’s so important to get this part of your company set up right the first time around. Choosing a unique brand name should…- Help to define you from the competition
- Communicate your values
- Reflect your brand personality
- Describe what your business does (albeit very briefly!)
- Connect with your audience – talking in ‘their language’
- Ensure that you’re remembered
Five strategic steps: From brainstorm to fully-formed brand name
- Start with your target market
- Consider your competitors
- Sit down and create a mind-map
- A creative, unique business name versus a simpler, more explicit brand name
- Set to work on a list of (at least) ten unique brand names don't commit yourself to a unique business name before you’ve created a list of at least ten possibilities. You should then ask friends, family, colleagues and business contacts for their thoughts on the unique business names you’ve created.
Can’t get around your writers’ block for unique company names?
If you’ve followed the tips in this article and can’t move past staring blankly at a blank screen (save for the cursor blinking at you), fear not. It just so happens that we’re in the business of unique company's names and unique names for shops. Not only that, but our packages include the brand name, matching domain and a logo.Unique business name ideas to AVOID at all costs
So far, we’ve filled you in on our expert To Do’s for landing upon an inspired, unique brand name. Now, before we leave you to your brand name brainstorming, we want to explain three MASSIVE mistakes when it comes to naming your business.- Don’t use your own name unless you own (or are about to start) a ‘personal’ business
- Listening to other unique business name guides and using a map
- Choosing a unique company name that’s too ‘out there’
Beyond the brand name – Characteristics of a good domain
After you’ve chosen your unique business name, it’ll be time to purchase the domain for your website. Here are our simple tips for getting this step right. Good domains…- Are easy to pronounce
- Are easy to spell
- Use a Top-Level Domain (TLD) – such as .com
- Avoid being too similar to other websites (especially your competitors)
- Avoid using hyphens and numbers – which can cause confusion
- Are short (generally, website addresses that are as short as possible are preferable, however, the domain should always reflect your business name)